This spring has brought much abundance and joy, along with life's sorrows which I have embraced and am much fortunate for. In my spiritual search, I have read several times about embracing sorrow. It is a deep experience, not to be taken out of context.
I know we all have a personal journey and we all have each other where we meet and such. There is tacit knowledge and I find it interesting how tempting it is to explain it, when the word itself means knowledge without or beyond words. I see that it may be seen as something you know before you have the word for it, which it is, but it is also of knowing which does not have words at all. Tacit.
Have a wonderful spring.
Humbly Yours,
Please ask me for permission to use my photos or writing
Here I am, in the cyber flesh. I am glad to be...
Thursday, April 6, 2017
Saturday, June 25, 2016
Lastly; on Cleavers... I have an abundance of cleavers! I have more seed than I can believe! Time to try that coffee substitute called 'roasted cleaver seeds'... I will post how I plan to roast them asap
Cleaver and Horsetail on the Wild West End |
Cleaver and Me Came To Be
Friends of the past 3 seasons
I learned much and will do all
That I can to be always thankful
For That.
This is what cleaver looks like in mid June most years. It is in great shape this year. This is out on the bogs in the wild west end. Will post the forest edge plants soon, they are much much greener...
©Allisonians Please ask me for permission to use my photos or writing
Friday, June 24, 2016
IN Search of Burdock; and the wicked world of work... LoL.... I love working, If I was Wise, this would have been my work, YET... this is something that work helps acheive, maybe...
I remember when I decided to study evening primrose;
Looking back.
They say only look back if you are going that way.
I argue only that I am remembering this because it was such a gift.
A, last gift.
A gift of change.
My study included transplanting my find, watching it grow,
Big change.
Transplanted it again and watched it grow to the sky that summer.
Thank you Lynah!
So, at harvest time I moved eastward and brought the plants stock and seed heads with me hoping to have time and room to work with it.
Turns out I didn't
But what did happen was only special to me.
Who doesn't want to spread their love and ideas, if they seem "right".
So that hot September day my evening primrose sent its baby seeds out the back of my truck over 45 miles of space...
The plants dried out quite fast in the bed of the truck. and they took their time spreading out.
I didn't clean it (the bed of my truck),except when I finally need the space.
hm. I call that quite a study. (was busy finding refuge before the quickly approaching rainy season helped my friend eveningprimrose take root and grow, or get washed into some cavern and wait dormantly untime the perfect time of it's rebirth)))))))))))))))
May seem like a lame little story. But seeds are little.
Life is only lame if YoU let it.
Today I embark on learning about burdock. that sounds quite hollow.
I want to meet Miss Burdock and hang out with her for awhile. I think she's out there somewhere waiting for someone to come along with some mundame human question.
Maybe she just loves the birds and seeks no human friend.
I think I shall be sure to ask.
Til then my friends!
©Allisonians Please ask me for permission to use my photos or writing
Note to self and anyone who is reading; I can't wait to post photos of my adventure.
I would post from the link below, but my mentor wants our own work. no cheeting! :D
Truly Your's;
Alli McD
I found this lovely bit of Identification information;
Looking back.
They say only look back if you are going that way.
I argue only that I am remembering this because it was such a gift.
A, last gift.
A gift of change.
My study included transplanting my find, watching it grow,
Big change.
Transplanted it again and watched it grow to the sky that summer.
Thank you Lynah!
So, at harvest time I moved eastward and brought the plants stock and seed heads with me hoping to have time and room to work with it.
Turns out I didn't
But what did happen was only special to me.
Who doesn't want to spread their love and ideas, if they seem "right".
So that hot September day my evening primrose sent its baby seeds out the back of my truck over 45 miles of space...
The plants dried out quite fast in the bed of the truck. and they took their time spreading out.
I didn't clean it (the bed of my truck),except when I finally need the space.
hm. I call that quite a study. (was busy finding refuge before the quickly approaching rainy season helped my friend eveningprimrose take root and grow, or get washed into some cavern and wait dormantly untime the perfect time of it's rebirth)))))))))))))))
May seem like a lame little story. But seeds are little.
Life is only lame if YoU let it.
Today I embark on learning about burdock. that sounds quite hollow.
I want to meet Miss Burdock and hang out with her for awhile. I think she's out there somewhere waiting for someone to come along with some mundame human question.
Maybe she just loves the birds and seeks no human friend.
I think I shall be sure to ask.
Til then my friends!
©Allisonians Please ask me for permission to use my photos or writing
Note to self and anyone who is reading; I can't wait to post photos of my adventure.
I would post from the link below, but my mentor wants our own work. no cheeting! :D
Truly Your's;
Alli McD
I found this lovely bit of Identification information;
Monday, May 16, 2016
Time, Age, Family & Obligation; But what are we here to do?
I have busy with my time.
Why did our culture make words like age?
Family is how you know love and all of it's feelings.
What true obligates? What does obligate mean to you?
Is it a word made for prosper, or despair?
I don't know about you, but my life is a full life.
Full of wonder.
Why did our culture make words like age?
Family is how you know love and all of it's feelings.
What true obligates? What does obligate mean to you?
Is it a word made for prosper, or despair?
I don't know about you, but my life is a full life.
Full of wonder.
Tuesday, January 5, 2016
Oh What a Year it was! And other stories. :D
My year was quite exceptional. I learnt of life cycles on some levels that I'd not previously known.
The cycles of life are amazing. As I write it has snowed just enough to dust the land. Last week I found baby cleavers and had to pick some to have a green drink post haste. It was lovely! The smell. You just don't forget the smell, if that is the drink for you.
At the land today, snow patched walk, I thought I'd spy some more and there they were. I asked if I could try them again. I have not made it yet. I decided to write first.
I only took a tiny bit, but am excited to have it to look forward to.
This year I planted red potatoes under my rhody. They came out just perfectly! I planted in another area that they did not do so well.
my main plant has been the nasturium. It has taken over and is sooo lovely! It looks quite professional. And they are all volunteers for a couple of years now.
I had some purslane, but did only nibble. I didn't get to use it, but it will come back. It showed up on its on, and has come back ever since.
I grew Strawberries. They love it here! I also have a beautiful Rosemary!
I have also grown flax! It is so beautiful!
I lost one of the great loves of my life this year. Her strength we did sometimes contend. Contention is a lesson in itself, but this is the most complete of them all. My Mom left us in Novemeber; and she is greatly missed!
It was a year of exceptional growth in the ways of the cycle of life.
Chapter 2
I read on 'Walking in the Woods', just now. I really rather personal account of walking alone in the woods and that it is a personal gift. And that if they walked with you that it meant they must love you very much.
It is this way with walking thru life. The woods are so wonderful and I wish that each human has that opportunity. To be walked in the woods and allowed a little space to fancy it's magnificent magik on this earth.
It is my wish that you walk in the woods. Don't go alone, unless you are called to do so. And I think it is your duty to take someone if there is someone that needs to be invited into it's magnitude.
I also think that if you take someone that you don't love that you may just find a little place in your heart for them. If you teach them the way of the woods.
Happy Trails!
Chapter 3
Of the wood folk;
I have worked on cleaning an ancient cellar where two brown squirrels live. They were quite angry with me for disturbing their home. It was a quite large establishment and still is. I moved out some things that needed removed and left a box quite empty. The next day I went back to work and the box was quite full of walnuts from the walnut tree just above. The next day the box was empty and the ceiling of wrong way hung insulation and Styrofoam board was hanging down blocking the door. Poor dears had moved all of their stash into the ceiling of insulation and it had been too heavy.
I had to pull down the ceiling Styrofoam panel and insulation and throw it all away. I was scolded by the two residence. It was quite nasty anyway and I told them that insulation wasn't the best storage unit, but they apparently had no choice.
I am not a fan of insulation(fiberglass) and Styrofoam and it was such a conflict for me to deal with it in the first place, but I did and I hope the squirrels are not in any harm for living in it as they did.
Will write again soon. It's been such a full year! It is a good thing! I will now go sit quietly and contemplate on my higher potential.
©Allisonians Please ask me for permission to use my photos or writing
The cycles of life are amazing. As I write it has snowed just enough to dust the land. Last week I found baby cleavers and had to pick some to have a green drink post haste. It was lovely! The smell. You just don't forget the smell, if that is the drink for you.
At the land today, snow patched walk, I thought I'd spy some more and there they were. I asked if I could try them again. I have not made it yet. I decided to write first.
I only took a tiny bit, but am excited to have it to look forward to.
This year I planted red potatoes under my rhody. They came out just perfectly! I planted in another area that they did not do so well.
my main plant has been the nasturium. It has taken over and is sooo lovely! It looks quite professional. And they are all volunteers for a couple of years now.
I had some purslane, but did only nibble. I didn't get to use it, but it will come back. It showed up on its on, and has come back ever since.
I grew Strawberries. They love it here! I also have a beautiful Rosemary!
I have also grown flax! It is so beautiful!
I lost one of the great loves of my life this year. Her strength we did sometimes contend. Contention is a lesson in itself, but this is the most complete of them all. My Mom left us in Novemeber; and she is greatly missed!
It was a year of exceptional growth in the ways of the cycle of life.
Chapter 2
I read on 'Walking in the Woods', just now. I really rather personal account of walking alone in the woods and that it is a personal gift. And that if they walked with you that it meant they must love you very much.
It is this way with walking thru life. The woods are so wonderful and I wish that each human has that opportunity. To be walked in the woods and allowed a little space to fancy it's magnificent magik on this earth.
It is my wish that you walk in the woods. Don't go alone, unless you are called to do so. And I think it is your duty to take someone if there is someone that needs to be invited into it's magnitude.
I also think that if you take someone that you don't love that you may just find a little place in your heart for them. If you teach them the way of the woods.
Happy Trails!
Chapter 3
Of the wood folk;
I have worked on cleaning an ancient cellar where two brown squirrels live. They were quite angry with me for disturbing their home. It was a quite large establishment and still is. I moved out some things that needed removed and left a box quite empty. The next day I went back to work and the box was quite full of walnuts from the walnut tree just above. The next day the box was empty and the ceiling of wrong way hung insulation and Styrofoam board was hanging down blocking the door. Poor dears had moved all of their stash into the ceiling of insulation and it had been too heavy.
I had to pull down the ceiling Styrofoam panel and insulation and throw it all away. I was scolded by the two residence. It was quite nasty anyway and I told them that insulation wasn't the best storage unit, but they apparently had no choice.
I am not a fan of insulation(fiberglass) and Styrofoam and it was such a conflict for me to deal with it in the first place, but I did and I hope the squirrels are not in any harm for living in it as they did.
Will write again soon. It's been such a full year! It is a good thing! I will now go sit quietly and contemplate on my higher potential.
©Allisonians Please ask me for permission to use my photos or writing
Sunday, August 30, 2015
Pre-Autumn 2015
My bountiful nasturtium volunteer crop, along with chocolate mint and purslane. I made a gallon of nasturtium vinegar and am just putting up nasturtium tincture. Here is a great article for your reading pleasure. |
Purslane landed itself in my garden a couple of years ago after I had turned the earth here. A friend said that I ought to pay attention and so I did. It has been around ever since. Eat The Weeds says this; Link; Susun Weed says this; Link: 2006 |
Had Roofing projects, 100 year old home. Cedar roof. |
From my roof top the fire haze from a fire 100's of miles away... | acre of nearly a 100 year old orchard before the crew clean-up... |
...and the beauty of it, though parched, shines on with not of familiarous... but it does live... only one wild folk found during the harvest... Lots of evidence of deer and coyote. |
And the clouds soar by in our two day storm... and it continues... |
.And I'm glad to be back, however briefly it may be. I have quite a lot of business and some pleasure. Much work before me. I am honored and sometimes have to redirect myself. As always. Hoping these notes and photos find y'all well and full of life's wonders!
©Allisonians Please ask me for permission to use my photos or writing
Monday, November 3, 2014
So, I've been on Retreat from the WWW! And I am currently Traveling! My First Time on a Train since I was 2 years Old! All By MYSELF, is a first time! Here is a pictorial of some of my other ventures
Home-Made Clam Chowder! |
Tornado Touchdown! An Amazing Event! Gordon Ramsey would love my take on it! I'd tell him myself,,, lol |
Chanterelles |
UpSide Down Appple Cranberry Cakes |
UpSide Down Appple Cranberry Cakes |
Mexicali Casserole! |
Festive! |
Looking Down and what did I see! Amazing Mother Nature Talking to Me! Bella Bella |
Here is the tree belonging to the above's amazingly beautiful RooTs! |
Waiting on the train! |
The Old Trestle Tracks |
On by, on the train! |
Saturday, July 26, 2014
Wednesday. Fresh. July 23rd, 2014 |
Dry. Today July 26, 2014 |
Wednesday, June 25, 2014
Sunday, May 25, 2014
SHaMRoCK PLaNT and African Violet Babies
©Allisonians |
©Allisonians |
Took Shamrock babies back home and also some new african violet babies... I transplanted Sham and rooted AV! this kind of work! Meanwhile, at home I took some of the tiny sham plants I couldn't get going and put them with mamma snap. The Sham itty bitty;s popped out mini leaves of approval!@ Sooo excellent! Planted my little strawberries in the earth too. Big fun in ktwn!
Please ask me for permission to use my photos or writing
Friday, May 23, 2014
trust. I am enthusiastic, open, and trusting about my new found feelings, capacity, passion, and hearts desire.
planter box start built on this date 3.22.14 |
5.23.14 today with salad seedlings I just planted in forground left with it's friends dock! |
zuch 5.14.14 |
5.23.14 zuch and friend dock |
zuch 5.23.14
salad 5.23.14 planted in earth today... |
oh snap! |
2 cuc 2 tom 5.14.14 |
2 cuc 2 tom(only one showing) golden flaz seedlings in background. Plant the length of the building 5.23.14 |
The sun does rise with spectacular moon! Shining like a bright pearl. 5.22.14 HBHD21 |
Thursday, May 15, 2014
I am.
Yesterday was a magnificent day!
Yoga, sun, biking, planting, maintaining...
Very warm indeed!
©Allisonians Please ask me for permission to use my photos or writing
Yesterday was a magnificent day!
Yoga, sun, biking, planting, maintaining...
Very warm indeed!
Poppy Biking@Straight Down Ktown |
Zuch 5.7.14 |
Zuch 5.14.14 |
New fence(ett) for Nasturtiums and Flax! Do the Wave! |
2 Cucs, SnapDrgn, and 2 Toms! Many Garlic! |
©Allisonians Please ask me for permission to use my photos or writing
Sunday, April 27, 2014
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Banana This; Recycle Old Peels~ fertilizer or silver polish
There are things you can do with that old peel.
1. Do you have a green thumb? House hold plants and outside gardens require fertilization. A great way to give your plants nutrients is with a banana peel. The banana peel is very rich in potassium and phosphorus, which give that added boost to your plants soil, especially so with roses. Here is how to use a banana peel to fertilizer your soil for your plants. Remove the peel from the banana. Place the banana peel on a cookie sheet to let it air dry. Grab a paper bag or envelope. Crumble the dried banana peel and place it in the bag. Let the banana sit at room temperature for about two days. When your caring for your plant, give it a potassium treat of crumbled banana peel. Mix well in the soil to ensure the roots are fed evenly.
2. Have you been thinking about pulling out that old silver? Well there is no time like the present. Bananas peel can also be used to polish silver. Yes, polish silver. Take the old peels and place them in a blender. You want the peels to become smooth and creamy. Once they have, grab a cloth and small amounts of the creamed banana peel and begin polishing your silver. The shine will be breath taking.
1. Do you have a green thumb? House hold plants and outside gardens require fertilization. A great way to give your plants nutrients is with a banana peel. The banana peel is very rich in potassium and phosphorus, which give that added boost to your plants soil, especially so with roses. Here is how to use a banana peel to fertilizer your soil for your plants. Remove the peel from the banana. Place the banana peel on a cookie sheet to let it air dry. Grab a paper bag or envelope. Crumble the dried banana peel and place it in the bag. Let the banana sit at room temperature for about two days. When your caring for your plant, give it a potassium treat of crumbled banana peel. Mix well in the soil to ensure the roots are fed evenly.
2. Have you been thinking about pulling out that old silver? Well there is no time like the present. Bananas peel can also be used to polish silver. Yes, polish silver. Take the old peels and place them in a blender. You want the peels to become smooth and creamy. Once they have, grab a cloth and small amounts of the creamed banana peel and begin polishing your silver. The shine will be breath taking.

Wild yeasts exist in the air around you and to some extent on the wheat berries. There are wild yeasts on grapes (unsulphured) and apples and other fruits. It is those wild yeasts which are 'captured' to make a sourdough starter. The process takes from 3 to 5 days. I wish I had specific amounts for you, but you could start with 1/4 to 1/2 cup of flour and mix in enough warm (not hot) water to make a thin paste. DO NOT make it too soupy. That, in fact, is the trick to a good starter, according to the French bread makers, and I think they should know. And after you've fooled around with the flour and water thing, you might wish to branch out into adding those unsulphured grapes, apples, sour milk, etc as a catalyst in order to capture other strains of yeast. Each of these strains has a slightly different taste. In fact if you move to another area, you might end up with a starter that produces an entirely different flavor. For instance, San Francisco sourdough bread is well known and has a distinct taste due to the wild strains in the air there. On day one you mix the flour and water (and add any catalysts to encourage fermentation) and place in a warm spot. After 3 days, the dough should be moist, inflated, and slightly sour. More flour and water is added (mixed in) and left to sit in a warm spot. After 2 days the process is repeated. Then the next day it is done again. Note the order: 3 days, 2 days, 1 day. At this point you should be able to make a loaf of bread using part of the starter and adding back what you took out in the form of more flour and water. Rule of thumb: Use about 10% starter to size of loaf. In the case of a 2 lb loaf this is a bit over 3 oz of starter (3.2 to be exact). For a 1 lb loaf 1.5 oz would be used. A book that describes this process in great detail is The Village Baker by Joe Ortiz, copyright 1993, published by Ten Speed Press, Berkley CA. If it's not still in print, try the used books stores, that's where I got mine. Or try your local library. If they don't have it, they might be able to get it for you. ©2008 by Ernestina Parziale
Thank You For Visiting!

Have a Great Day!