I remember when I decided to study evening primrose;
Looking back.
They say only look back if you are going that way.
I argue only that I am remembering this because it was such a gift.
A, last gift.
A gift of change.
My study included transplanting my find, watching it grow,
Big change.
Transplanted it again and watched it grow to the sky that summer.
Thank you Lynah!
So, at harvest time I moved eastward and brought the plants stock and seed heads with me hoping to have time and room to work with it.
Turns out I didn't
But what did happen was only special to me.
Who doesn't want to spread their love and ideas, if they seem "right".
So that hot September day my evening primrose sent its baby seeds out the back of my truck over 45 miles of space...
The plants dried out quite fast in the bed of the truck. and they took their time spreading out.
I didn't clean it (the bed of my truck),except when I finally need the space.
hm. I call that quite a study. (was busy finding refuge before the quickly approaching rainy season ensued..lol)(which helped my friend eveningprimrose take root and grow, or get washed into some cavern and wait dormantly untime the perfect time of it's rebirth)))))))))))))))
May seem like a lame little story. But seeds are little.
Life is only lame if YoU let it.
Today I embark on learning about burdock. that sounds quite hollow.
I want to meet Miss Burdock and hang out with her for awhile. I think she's out there somewhere waiting for someone to come along with some mundame human question.
Maybe she just loves the birds and seeks no human friend.
I think I shall be sure to ask.
Til then my friends!
Please ask me for permission to use my photos or writing
Note to self and anyone who is reading; I can't wait to post photos of my adventure.
I would post from the link below, but my mentor wants our own work. no cheeting! :D
Truly Your's;
Alli McD
I found this lovely bit of Identification information;